How Georgette Packaging became carbon neutral
Canoe Lake, Algonquin Park by Tom Thomson
It all started innocently enough.
One mild morning, I decided we would carbon offset all the packaging made by Georgette. I knew that manufacturing and transporting packaging produces plenty of carbon dioxide, which is emitted into the atmosphere and hurries along the climate crisis we’ve collectively ushered in.
Carbon dioxide is released when coal-powered plants heat up pulp and whip it into paper; when printing presses warm up and shuttle tens of thousands of sheets through their rollers every hour; when container ships and large-scale trucks and airplanes burn the diesel and jet fuel they need to reach our warehouse, or a cafe’s sunlit doorstep.
We sat down and calculated (as accurately as we could) the carbon dioxide emitted at each of these stages, for every product we make. With our numbers ready, we went looking for somebody doing just the opposite of us - absorbing carbon dioxide.
We invest in improved forestry management projects. These specifically manage, protect, and nurture mature forests. Tree-planting is critical, but it takes many decades, if not hundreds of years, for a strong, absorptive forest to reach its full potential: one whose trees will inhale and bury tremendous masses of carbon dioxide in their trunks, roots, and the flora & soil at their feet.
There are many such forests around the world. However, they are clear-cut, burned down and ground up every day to make way for grazing cattle, growing crops, and paper manufacturing. This is happening at break-neck speed in every country, including Canada. The funds we provide allow forest managers to purchase, tend and legally protect forests from being clearcut into the future.
The offsets we purchase represent carbon dioxide which has already been absorbed by forests; the trees have done their work. Mature forests are unique in that they are busily doing the job that needs done; quietly, powerfully, and steadily. They are the most straightforward and scaleable counter-climate change investment we can make.
We support a number of forestry projects in Canada and the United States; if you’re interested in reading more, one that has an especially cozy spot in our hearts is New Brunswick-based Community Forests International.
If you’re a business owner interested in becoming carbon neutral, please get in touch. We would love to help in any way we can.